Stories by Alon - Edition 3
Posted on July 05 2020

Thank you for all your fantastic messages and replies to my weekly newsletters. Our Watershed store in Cape Town is still closed but should hopefully open in September. We are finding joy in “meeting” our old and new customers via our newsletters and Whatsapp.
Again thank you to all of you who have purchased jewellery from me during this trying time – it is so exciting to get an order and ship it, plus all our orders have arrived within 7 days! Perhaps its due to the lack of traffic in the sky or just some special AS luck!
To continue where I left off in our last "Stories by Alon" series...
After learning from Liz Dunston I had the best luck in 1997 to be offered a bench at Vassi’s studio. Until today Vassi has been the head of the Cape Technicon Jewellery department in South Africa. She has the patience of a saint and her design and manufacturing skills are exceptional. I used to sit for hours practicing my Silversmith skills. I am grateful for her generosity, her knowledge and her friendship over the years.
1997 was the year I started to make my own silver ranges and stand on my own feet as a designer. I used to walk to the studio, as I didn't have the cash to pay for a minibus taxi! I learnt how to design for customers, how to communicate (my English was terrible being Israeli) and started to use the gems that I bought on my travels to India. My first silver pieces were exhibited in the Jewish Museum in Cape Town – this gave me so much encouragement.
The same year was exceptionally exciting for another reason; I became a father to my son Paz – his name means Peace or Aura of gold. Today he is 23 years old and is a visual artist and makes incredible music. You can listen to Paz's latest releases here on Spotify.
Once again thank you for your ongoing support and we hope you enjoyed another little glimpse into me & my brand!
One love, Alon -
P.S: If you have a gemstone that you would like to know more about, or design a piece together with me, I would be happy to work with you."